CodeJIKA program || Learn to code.
D o you have a sibling or cousin or nephew or that small friend of yours aged between 7–19 years and they are interested in creating websites, web apps, and games for kids don’t hesitate to visit codeJIKA program. We teach kids how to code from a tender age and the only requirement needed is access to a smartphone or laptop our curriculum is offline based and internet accessibility won’t be an issue here. If you find this interesting please reach out to us via email at At CodeJIKA we are interested in making sure that African kids have monetizable digital skills when they finish school and the first step in making this happen is coaching teachers that are passionate about technology.
Coding is today’s language of creativity. All our children deserve a chance to become creators instead of consumers of computer programs. The Programmers of tomorrow are the wizards of the future. Through coding, we believe that we can make Africa a global technology hub. CodeJIKA empowers kids with programming skills needed for the career paths of the future. This help kids develop a modular & problem-solving mindset.
Coding is fun it brings smiles to learners and opens their minds to different languages that they can use to command the computer to show things they want. Start now to build business websites using our 1-hour website. Learning to code can improve and develop multiple facets of their educational syllabus including Maths, writing, and creativity.
We are open to working with schools, teachers, and sponsors. Do you want to get involved or partner with us? Reach out to us via email at We are dedicated to improving the minds and skills of our young and growing generation, preparing them for a brighter future. Teaching young minds to know and learn the ways to use tech to solve real-world problems is what CodeJIKA is about.
We have seen how positive interaction with technology can enrich the lives of people around us. Since CodeJIKA was launched in
Feb 2018 as a National Coding Campaign in Johannesburg, South Africa we’ve reached over 250 schools, 26 500 learners & 1 520 teachers which were later launched in Kenya in August 2022. We also present certificates to students who complete projects at
Our aim is s building an eco-system of coding skills and digital entrepreneurs in secondary schools. Our mission is to create awesome experiences, cool online tools, and fun curricula to support the youth of today and the leaders of tomorrow.
Always keep an eye on this blog since a lot is coming about the program. As the writer and editor of this blog, I am looking forward to continuing to bring you informative and engaging content in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and for supporting CodeJIKA. We are always open to feedback and suggestions for future blog topics, so don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know what you’d like to see. Until next time, keep an eye out for more updates from us. You can reach out to the blog editor via email: you!